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Re: Doctor availability impacting on medication.

ohhh @A_Nonie-Moss , that sounds very tough my friend 


wishing it will be all suited for you soon 


@Bon_courage , @RiverSeal , @Jynx , @tyme , @PizzaMondo , @LilMapleLeaf 

Re: Doctor availability impacting on medication.

Hi @A_Nonie-Moss,

I am so sorry to hear that it's been an exhausting process to get your medication. That's not fair. 😞

I can understand why you would just want to give up and go unmedicated, but I guess I am concerned that it will affect your mental and physical health further. 

Are there any supports (personal or professional) that can help you with this?


Re: Doctor availability impacting on medication.

I don't have support I am the support 

Re: Doctor availability impacting on medication.

@A_Nonie-Moss a little tip put a @ In front of members names so they can get your message 


Re: Doctor availability impacting on medication.

Thank you, @Shaz51 🙂

@A_Nonie-Moss, that must be so hard, managing everything by yourself

I recently found this resource that is designed to help navigate services -

Maybe they can help get you connected to some support? 

Re: Doctor availability impacting on medication.

Thank you @Shaz51

Re: Doctor availability impacting on medication.

Thank you @lavenderhaze. I'll look into it at my next calm stretch.

Re: Doctor availability impacting on medication.

Hope you are travelling okay today @A_Nonie-Moss 


We're here for you

Re: Doctor availability impacting on medication.

@A_Nonie-Moss especially if you feel you're really losing your sanity, is it possible to go to the emergency department of your nearest hospital? You may have to wait there for a while, but from my experience you always get to see a doctor and they will give you medication, if needed.

Re: Doctor availability impacting on medication.

@Streetspirit unfortunately I live in rural Vic so my nearest Emergency Room is about an hour away. If I had a car and felt physically up to driving there.
My local hospital does have an "urgent care centre" but it's kind of the equivalent of *nurse on call* but with the ability for the nurse to call a doctor IF it's deemed necessary. While a certain amount I'd Medicare claimable it still can get expensive. I suppose if I was fully in fear of myself I might head there but between cost and other factors it'd be very unlikely.
And then, of course, there's the "am I really that bad or am I just being pathetic?" Physically, I keep getting dizzy, nauseous, lethargic and feeling like I'm overly hot or cold regardless of my actual temperature all of which my partner tells me are typical withdrawal symptoms. Emotional ly I'm all over the place but with an overwhelming misery and anger. Mentally.... well I'm as well as someone might expect all things considered. But I wouldn't say I warrant emergency or even urgent care.