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Re: Mental Health Month #ShareYourOneThing πŸ’™ Share the simple things that help your wellbeing

Hello @JungleGiants. I see you are quite new here. Welcome. 


Yes, I watched the program out of interest. I wasn't expecting to be heartened by their 'expert wisdom' but I wanted to see their understanding of the causes - what they were discovering, how they interpreted symptoms, how they were turning things around. I wanted to be able to assess their understanding, their knowledge. I waited for a so-called expert to make me feel that they actually knew what they were doing. None did. It was just the 'latest' in new-fangled ideas and gadgets.


Unless causes are addressed there will only ever be more of the same.


The people interviewed were, so optimistically, simply repeating what they had been told because they were desperate for a cure for their suffering. Blind belief - because we trust that the 'experts' actually know what they are doing. None are dealing with causes

Re: Mental Health Month #ShareYourOneThing πŸ’™ Share the simple things that help your wellbeing

Feeling fairly low at the moment but I enjoy listening to music

Re: Mental Health Month #ShareYourOneThing πŸ’™ Share the simple things that help your wellbeing



When I feel unwell it's writing that helps. It doesn't matter whether I'm writing my thoughts, or lyrics from a favourite song; it's helpful

Re: Mental Health Month #ShareYourOneThing πŸ’™ Share the simple things that help your wellbeing

@Historylover thanks πŸ™‚ its good being here, bit more moderated than other websites 


Yeah i guess i didnt know what the basis of it was really gonna be, some of those treatments were a bit sus in themselves, let alone no talk of causes. 

Re: Mental Health Month #ShareYourOneThing πŸ’™ Share the simple things that help your wellbeing

Hello @JungleGiants. I would just like to add this...damaging experiences, inter-personal relations, conditioning are at the core of so-called 'mental illness' - they cause psychological damage, personality damage, mood damage, perception damage, behaviour damage - and each person's causes are unique.


If therapists don't have the necessary skill to unravel, treat and cure each individual's damage, they will only ever be coming up with more and more 'ideas' to treat these afflictions - with more contraptions, more medication, more procedures, more 'chats' etc. - because that's just easier. 


As for those championed as 'experts' - I assess that for myself. I don't allow others to shape my perceptions of another's level of skill. 


Have a good day, my friend. And take care.

Re: Mental Health Month #ShareYourOneThing πŸ’™ Share the simple things that help your wellbeing

HI All,

This is really good and I am enjoying reading people's ideas.   For me, something I have come to understand  is that I can get through this.  It is just one day at a time. I do things like read, write, or bits of housework that I can be proud of doing later on.  Maria Sirois in her looking for happiness in dark times, youtube talk,   talks about looking for the best part of  your day no matter how crap it has been.  I never really thought much of this, but I have come to realise it does help. It is not perfect , but it helps me cope.

Re: Mental Health Month #ShareYourOneThing πŸ’™ Share the simple things that help your wellbeing

Hi @CogsWhirl,
Sounds like you have a strong strategy that helps you cope. I'm doing something similar at at the moment. My one thing has been finding something I am proud of each day. In my home we are trying to encourage our boy (4 years old) to reflect on his day, so we each share one thing we are proud of (usually at the dinner table) and give space to say what we are proud of each other for. Like you said @CogsWhirl, it's not always perfect, but it does help me get through difficult days πŸ™‚

Re: Mental Health Month #ShareYourOneThing πŸ’™ Share the simple things that help your wellbeing

things that help my wellbeing when struggling with mental health:

reading - getting lost in a story.

baths- relaxing with candles music and bath bombs.

netflix : watching a movie or favourite tv show when mentally struggling.

connecting with friends : video calls , phone calls and having my support workers come to spend time with me.

#ShareYourOneThing Heart

Re: Mental Health Month #ShareYourOneThing πŸ’™ Share the simple things that help your wellbeing

Hi @cloudcore 

The mandala is gorgeous!

I colour in occasionally. I did it on Saturday and yet to finish it. It is a dreamcatcher in a mindful colouring book for adults.. so will try to finish it today! 

For me, I have peaceful teas. I love a nice cup of tea no milk and just being totally present with my tea and usually a biscuit or two. 

Hope you have an amazing day!

Re: Mental Health Month #ShareYourOneThing ? Share the simple things that help your wellbeing

I find it so hard to narrow it down because for me, there are so many things that help me! 

I love so many of the things many of you have shared. Music, time with pets/ animals and helping others are all things I find support my own wellbeing and mental health at different times. If I had to narrow it down to just one thing though, I think it would be what I call 'my people'. That is, loved ones I'm close to who are there for me, but also who I'm able to be there for in return.