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Re: I just can't.



Thought that I would let you know that the-red-centaur has checked in and is seeking support. 


Warm regards, 



Re: I just can't.

Thank you @tennisstar that is good news.

Love and hugs to you @The-red-centaur Heart

Re: I just can't.

I'm probably going to be homeless again for the third time in my life soon

Re: I just can't.

Why is that @The-red-centaur?

Re: I just can't.


@Zoe7@The manager where I live says I'm too unsafe for the place and spend too much time in hospital and shouldn't be where I live

Re: I just can't.

That seems like it is just adding to your issues @The-red-centaur - being homeless is certainly not going to help you at all. Can you talk to the manager and discuss this more?

Do you have any other options? Can your case worker intervene on your behalf?

Re: I just can't.

@Zoe7 I will talk to her but I don't really know of any other options. I can't go back to living on my own.

Re: I just can't.

Talk to your case worker first and maybe she can help with keeping you there where you currently live @The-red-centaur This might be a good time to re-assess your options also but I am hearing you that you can't go back to living on your own. You need to have people around you and the place you are currently in seems to be good for that - maybe with some intervention from your case worker it will be possible to stay.

Re: I just can't.


Re: I just can't.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to self harm tonight. I just cant cope anymore