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Re: Is there anybody out there (wanna lend me a hand)

How are you @Radarears ?


How's the cat training going?

Re: Is there anybody out there (wanna lend me a hand)

My precious isn't happy.  Our first bit of rain and the lip has dropped.  Rain triggers anxiety and urinary issues in cats which he has and apart from the distress it's uber dollars at the vet.  Mums not been enjoying the weekend anyway so trying to get that very sad bottom lip from dropping is keeping her mind off her own issues.  Food, treats, walks, food, treats.  All else fails feed him.  😅🤣😂

Re: Is there anybody out there (wanna lend me a hand)

Yes... eat, sleep and be merry @Radarears  🙂


I hope your baby feels better soon.

Re: Is there anybody out there (wanna lend me a hand)

@tyme many thanks.  It's going to be a long week with lots of rain ahead.  Having another go at vet visit for his medication that has now expired.  We desperately need rain and that's what we are getting.  Could it have waited one more week???  I will have the nerves of a stuntman by next weekend.😅🤣😂

Re: Is there anybody out there (wanna lend me a hand)

Argh... @Radarears ... joys of a parent.. you have the good days, and then the days where things couldn't get much worse 🙂


Such is life, eh?


Any new tricks up your sleeve? Sounds like it's going to be a LONG week.

Re: Is there anybody out there (wanna lend me a hand)

@tyme getting him to wee on command.  And at a regular time. He's getting the idea and tonight I introduced a food reward.  He has to be relaxed to go so it's a bit difficult on days like these.  He has a special spot and I'm sure I'm entertaining the neighbours with my words of encouragement.  😅🤣😂 yes being a paw parent isn't for the faint hearted.  Then he comes for a cuddle. 

Re: Is there anybody out there (wanna lend me a hand)

I've seen toilet trained cats! Yes, I mean proper toilet trained... they wee on the toilet! @Radarears 


Have you see that?

Re: Is there anybody out there (wanna lend me a hand)

@tyme Yes I have and knew someone who had their cat doing it.  He does like the toilet but only when it's flushing.  Because he became seriously ill last year getting him into a toileting habit is critical especially with wet weather.  But it is also good fun.  He comes when called, retrieves and is just learning to weave between my legs.  

Re: Is there anybody out there (wanna lend me a hand)

Well mission accomplished.  Got cat to vet, dropped off his new prescription to be made up and he calmed down enough to toilet and go off to his usual haunt.  He was very restless last night and managed to catch a rat and release it in the lounge room.  Fear not neither rat cat nor mum were injured in the move all the heavy furniture to catch rat.  Squeaks and snaps from ratty and a paw wave from puss then gloved up grab and out the front door for ratty.  

My back had actually seized so badly earlier I could barely walk.  Not great today either.


Unfortunately the dreaded time line which I was working on yesterday and where I'm at currently with mh struggles have left me feeling a bit blah.  I get so cold with the memories and I can't warm up.  Then I sweat up a storm with the current stresses and strains and life becomes such fun.


Re: Is there anybody out there (wanna lend me a hand)

I seem to be spiralling downward at warp speed.  The reality of the here and now is too much and I'm detaching and distancing.  I feel really battered and bruised by recent events and people treating me badly. It skews my perception of what people I trust are saying and I get very reactive.  My life sux tbh.