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Re: Is there anybody out there (wanna lend me a hand)



Hi again! Catching up on your thread and hearing how hard your life is at present.

You really do seem to be trying good things to improve your mental health eg getting out and going to the gym etc....and then copping it in all directions. That would be enough to set me back for sure!


I try to find ways to get out of the house and get movement that don't involve being around too many unknown walking along beach early morning. Image below is of sunrise at my local beach. Everyday i get down to the beach and it has really made a difference to my life (and it gives me a daily dose of good memories to store away and share with others!).


There always seem to be a loose cannon wherever you go. I also like to avoid conflict and abusive behaviour so I can focus on the blessings of nature and the beauty all around me. I recently joined a local community choir and that has been a truly amazing way to "socialise" without having to do much more than say hallo to the people and sing together. Singing in harmony with others is so good for the heart!


PS the idea of a "hatch match and dispatch" strategy for memories, certainly made me interested to hear more. How does that work? 


sunrise 3.jpg


Re: Is there anybody out there (wanna lend me a hand)

@OM108 Thank you for the image.  It's breathtaking and funnily enough doing beach training is on my list.  I've had to bail on the gym and pool.  Too much aggression and no real support from management.  It is no longer my happy place.  Yes I'm into choirs but they cost a lot. The gym staff told me I was at fault because I was singing.  Which is why it was OK for a male member to punch me in the arm and yell at me.  Deal breaker.  


Anyhow the "Hatch Match Dispatch" is the processing post EMDR sessions.  My clever psychologist did a physical demo of the movement of the trauma memories from the back of your mind and the unconscious subconscious to the front where you cop a pounding.  The work then becomes putting it "out there" in front of your face.  Then balancing the memory, "widening the lens" and placing it into a framework.  Coming up with positives can be a real challenge at first but once you get the hang of it it comes a bit easier.  Then I wave bye bye.  Of course they don't leave and they keep coming back but so do all the other memories.  Creating a written time line to separate the events so they weren't all just a conglomeration which has been what's going on has just about totalled me  I call that "Auditing the Books".  Again that was my clever psychologist who told me to "put it in writing".  It creates an objective record and it is effective but I'm not liking her very much right now.  I don't like anybody very much right now😅🤣😂



Re: Is there anybody out there (wanna lend me a hand)

@tyme thank you yes.  Having a safe place to offload really helps.  I do my journals but it's like my Spanish on duolingo. I get stuck and don't understand and simply putting it out there tends to clear the stumbling blocks.  I used to text my previous psychologist and simply say "I'm stuck".  

Re: Is there anybody out there (wanna lend me a hand)



Everyday is so unique and different and my daily sunrise experience proves it to me....this was today. 

Glad to hear you have been thinking about exercising at the beach! Best place for singing at the top of your voice also! So many people are narrow minded and can't bear to see someone enjoying themselves. Don't let anyone stop you from being you! I sincerely hope you find the right place and people who see you and support be YOU. Every day uniquely and creatively YOU!



Re: Is there anybody out there (wanna lend me a hand)

@OM108 thank you for those images.  They are so beautiful and powerful.  Definitely going to do some beach trips.  Winter is the best time for me. I'm not a fan of sitting on a beach mid summer.

Re: Is there anybody out there (wanna lend me a hand)



look forward to hearing about it!

i had the beach to myself this morning...oh bliss!

went to another small cove a bit further down the track and nobody was there to be seen or heard at all.

was a one off thing i guess...because usually you see people fishing from the rocks.


have a great day!


Re: Is there anybody out there (wanna lend me a hand)

Hi @Radarears How are you? your words are superb and lovely. I think your body needs a little bit of rest after many marathons. And need time to relax to get ready to run the rest of marathon. 

Re: Is there anybody out there (wanna lend me a hand)

@OM108 the beach started off as a plan for breathing space.  It ended up being a saga of two different support workers two different beaches and yep nup this time around it's all about my physical therapy.  Which will be a very good use of the water and sand.  However I did come up with the idea (my convoluted mind) to stop off at a secluded little stretch of the river post my pdoc visit.  There's a playground too but the chicken gene was activated and I didn't feel up to monkey bars and slides today.  The swing was too low for my adult legs so I simply sat on a stump listened to music and admired the vista and the birds while my mind got itself down from the stratosphere and worked itself out.   So a bit of a win really.  Connecting with nature and finding alternatives for my rehab exercises.  So thank you for sharing.   It sparked off ideas in my devious little mind.

Re: Is there anybody out there (wanna lend me a hand)

@Tilz I'm doing OK today.  I've progressed from "only leaving the bed to eat" to the "I've got more rolls than Bakers Delight Time to Move" training programme.  With the Olympics approaching I'm watching and listening to the athletes sharing their stories.  Building mental fitness is a key component of being an elite athlete and its very inspiring especially the athletes who are paralympians.  Life is still challenging and trying to get some stability and control with my health isn't easy.  I'm just marking "celebrations" to give me a mood booster.  I'm technologically challenged and managed to change my email address on the hotdoc app.  I was struggling and ready to give it to the receptionist but I did it.  It took 2 or 3 tries but it got done.  Technology and I are not friends.  

Re: Is there anybody out there (wanna lend me a hand)

Great to hear from you @Radarears . Thanks for sharing what you've been up to lately. Very interesting.