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Looking after ourselves

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Thanks so much, Ripple. What a lovely thing to say!

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

@Smc Sounds like you have a lot of fun and companionship. Great to hear from you.

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

good evening my friends @Flurry0306@TiredL@Ripples@Lost9@Smc@Krishna@Anastasia 




Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

@Shaz51 @Smc @Ripples @TiredL @Flurry0306  Looks yummy! Reminds me of my father's 80th birthday. It was lockdown so there was only my father, mother and myself. I gave Dad a high tea by ordering online. I ordered a three tear porcelain plate from eBay and used my grandmother's China and filled it with cakes, slices, sandwiches, pasties, pies and sausage rolls which I ordered online. I made some lemon curd tarts to go white it and ordered a big 80 th Birthday cake, most of which went in the freezer. We had a feast! Only sorry family and friends couldn't join us.

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Thank you @Shaz51 

Waiting on baked chook to finish, almost too tired to do veges...will push through. 

Enough for you all I'd you like? 

@Lost9 @Smc @Ripples @TiredL all here 



Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Nice spread @Shaz51.
Roast chook sounds lovely @Anastasia. We're going simple-and-easy and having fried rice here.

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )


we had quinch for dinner tonight Heart

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

Oh, Quince Quiche, of course! 😛


Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

@Lost9 that sounds just lovely. I'm sure your Dad would have loved it 🌞

@Shaz51 @Smc @Ripples 

Re: Coping Toolbox ( what is in yours to help you cope )

He did, thanks. We lived on it for the next few weeks. Thank God for the freezer!
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