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Time to seek help?

So, i had a drug experience years ago that got too much for me, induced a pretty massive panic attack. I tried for a decade to self medicate basically. Ive cleaned up my life, my diet, no drugs, very little alcohol. The panic persists, seems to be getting worse in fact. I feel an overwhelming sense of judgement and scrutiny when meeting new people...even just going shopping. I think my face is going to betray me, which exacerbates the feeling. Im on holidays right now, i live in a small town, i think it might be time to see someone and maybe try some sort of medication for this? Depression goes with it, but i dont beleive its as big an issue as the anxiety. Ive tried breathing (which helps), yoga, fit and healthy, apart from Jiu Jitsu, i cant focus properly on any of these other exercise/relaxation techniques. 

Is it appropriate to see a Doctor while away from home to start the ball rolling? Im terrified at the prospect of opening up about this to someone face to face, but willing to try, i should be enjoying my life far more than i currently do. 

Not applicable

Re: Time to seek help?

Hi @ceejay_73, welcome to the Forums.  I'm glad you found us.  You're thinking is right on track. It sounds like you're doing all the right things in terms of self-care but you've got to a point where it's not enough.  Seems like the right time to layer on a few more strategies and the GP can start you on this process. 

No problem going to a different doctor, particularly as you're from a small town and may not want to lay it all out for someone local.  The surgery should understand that.  Another option (additional option?) might be to try some online courses that teach you how to handle anxiety and panic. Check out this thread which lists some.  The benefit of this is it can be done anywhere anytime.  It doesn't replace a good Psychologist but it can get you moving towards recovery faster if you explore both options.

It's great hearing that you have expectations around enjoying life more.  You certainly deserve to.  What do you think it will take for that to happen?

Re: Time to seek help?

@ceejay_73. Yes I think you can start the ball rolling while on holiday. They will forward any info to your treating gp back home.
You have coped for so long on your own but it sounds like it's time for someone to help you.
Your gp can refer you for counseling. Talking therapy has helped me with my depression and anxiety. As has the medication. But the medication alone didn't help. It was the help of a great psychologist that did the most good.
I wish you well

Re: Time to seek help?

Thanks to both of you for the reply/input, I will take the advice on both counts, I'll check out the link you posted Suzanne for online courses, and I will see a gp while I'm on holidays, see about getting a referral to talk to someone. As to what I think will need to happen for my quality of life to improve...its hard to say, I don't how high my expectations should be...I feel better just for taking this step though, thanks again.