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Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

Hi @Former-Member 

how are you? I'm pretty low today, being social makes me tired, I don't sleep much and I had & have so many thoughts running through my head. Makes me mentally exhausted & overwhelmed.

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Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

Good morning everyone,


Just wanted to pop in and say hi again, was great chatting to everyone yesterday, bit of a tangent but still on a mission to find buddies during covid so if anyone wants to chat, I'm literally just sitting around watching self-help videos all the time haha...besides trying to arrange some mental health support which is incredibly frustrating.


Hope everyone has a good day, maybe see you in the zoom group (apparently there's a lgbtqi one - wasn't planning on signing up but might...I just want to talk to people after a life-time of self-isolating darnit)


(Not sure where I read this joke but it gets me every time..."They say no man is an island. But I've been to Man Island, and I know what I saw!")

Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

Hi everyone. I was reading along with the discussion last night but didn't have much to say for the questions.
I quietly came out on the forums awhile ago as being transmasculine nonbinary (although I don't remember what label I used at the time, I think I was trying to be vague and keep it super low key). I'm still Not Really Sure and am more back in the Trying To Ignore It stage now.
Just wanted to say hi before re-disappearing lol.
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Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

Hello everyone


@outlander @Former-Member @Former-Member @Maggie @Jynx @eth @Fluttershy1 @Adge @Schitzo @NatureLover @Rebel @TheVorticon 



How was your day? I had a bad day & couldn't get hold of my care team, which upset me even more, but I'm feeling a bit settled now. Still feeling overwhelmed.


I enjoyed chatting with you all last night. It's nice to know we can 'meet' here, have a chat, sit together, share resources etc. 


@TheVorticon  I understand what you're saying, I go back & forth and am still unsure.

Stay in touch x

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Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space



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Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

Hi @Former-Member 


Did you make some progress on finding support? It's hard to find good support at anytime but now must be even more difficult. I hope you find support soon. I felt abandoned today by my supports which is difficult for me when I'm close to crisis. I got in touch with Sane's helpline and it made me feel a bit better. 

What kind of self help videos are you watching? 
I didn't know there was as a zoom group?


lol I didn't get your joke, but I don't usually get jokes & people have to explain them to me 😂

Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

@Former-Member theres lots of chat threads here too your welcome to join in with. i can tag you to some if you like?

Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

hey @TheVorticon i dont think anyone needs a label really. you are who you are 🙂
i still question it all the time.
Is it the acceptance thing your struggling with or is it something else thats abit of a challange that makes your want to ignore it

Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

Hi @Former-Member I had a good day, thank you for asking.I visited my psychologist and then went to Bunnings to get some more pansys for our garden.,🌱🌸

I'm sorry you had a bad day, hopefully you will be able the get in touch with your care team soon.

Last night's LBGTIQ discussion was excellent. 🌼


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Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space


I love flowers 😊 do you put the pansies in your garden? I planted pansies a few years ago and they seeded everywhere, so at the moment my garden is full of pansies. I like roses and primroses and anything green or that flowers. My favourite flowers are birds of paradise.