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Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

Hey @Former-Member 🌈🌈🌈!

Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

Hey folks

Im a transmasculine non-binary pal. As of today I have been on testosterone 2 years and couldn't be prouder of how far I've come.
I live in Tassie and theres not many LGBTQ resources here. The sexual health clinics are the best point of call in Tas for all things LGBTQI+
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Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

@Former-MemberGood morning! I woke up thinking I had a zoom group (I do the ones through ArcVic) but turns out it's tomorrow so now I'm watching a Korean kitten on youtube : )


@Former-MemberThat's a good idea about cards for people who are alone on Christmas! Hopefully things open up by then a bit because I'd really like to volunteer somewhere (I'll be alone too).


Hope everyone has a good day and getting closer to the weekend (if you're working) - I have sushi every Friday lunch so that's something to look forward to...also signed up for this Movement course (it's like dancing and mindfulness) through ArcVic starting today but I think I have to ask them how I "get in" cos I can't figure it out lol

Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

hey @NatureLover its never to late. i know plently of people still question their sexuality throughout their life and even give it ago ie date someone of the same gender. Would you maybe consider talking to QLife?

Honestly no one offline knows either. i havent really come out but thats alot because i dont really know for sure either. theres so many factors that draw me to other women that sometimes its hard to know if its a romantic/partner relationship sort of thing. i once spoke to someone and they said because of my past traumas with men in particular i may just be drawn to women more because it feels more 'safe' does that make sense?

Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

hey @The-red-centaur that is really great. what an awesome milestone for you!
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Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

Hi @NatureLover  💜🌈


I don't think it's ever too late. I have/had the same attitude as you but I meet many transmen who transitioned late in life, well into the second half. It's an ongoing journey for me, I haven't come out to anyone apart from my psych. For me it's questioning gender & sexuality. I think we've all been socially conditioned in so many areas of our lives, I never knew there was a different possibility in life.


You could contact or search Facebook? I found a great group there for the older generation, but it's 'not' for lesbians (I don't want to exclude you, it's just a closed group for transmen). There are also in person groups depending on where you live. 

Stay in touch xoxo

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Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

Hi @TheVorticon 


the 'trying to ignore' or 'being completely confused' label applies to me a lot of times. I'm better in saying what I'm not. I'm not identifying as female and I'm not heterosexual. Perhaps they should create a tick box like that on forms.


How does 'trying to ignore' work for you?

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Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

Congratulations @The-red-centaur

Happy T Day 💚

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Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space


How did you decide that you wanted to start T if you don't mind me asking? It's a huge question mark for me especially because I haven't disclosed anything to anyone and T would change that, with all the fears coming with that, I find it really difficult.

Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

@Former-Member it took nearly 2 years for my psychiatrist to agree to give me T, it was always something I wanted from the moment I knew I wasn't cis.
I started T because I wanted to look and sound more masculine. Testosterone makes a lot of changes to your body and that was something I really craved.