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Casual Contributor


Hi, I am new to this. I am finding that I am at a stage of confusion and feeling lost. Four months ago, my son tried to end his life. He survived and has recovered well. He has been doing all the things suggested  and is on medication and all of this during stage 4 lockdown. In fact he seems to be doing really well. My problem is that I am not. I have such a mixture of feelings and confusion inside me that I really no longer have any idea what Im thinking  most days. I will begin counselling in a month but have got to the stage where I am just holding on. Ive been trying so hard to be strong for my son and have had to confront some very traumatic issues and situation, that now my mind and body feel like they will never be the same. I also have chronic health issues which dont help. Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated,  as I need to keep it together for my families sake as well as my own. Thanks for listening.

Not applicable

Re: lost

Hey there @Jenaye 


Welcome to the SANE forums. I’m one of the moderators. It’s very courageous of you to reach out for support. You’ve been through some very challenging times with your son. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed and confused considering what you’ve been through. I'm glad you're taking some positive steps in supporting yourself. Our wonderful forum members will be able to offer you some support and connection on your journey. I’m sure they will pop by soon.

If you would like one-on-one support from a counsellor, you’re welcome to ring our Help Centre on 1800 18 7263 (Mon-Fri, 10am-10pm).


Don’t hesitate to ask questions of the forums team by writing @Moderator or by asking questions of members. Also the Guidelines is a good place to turn to for getting an idea of how it all works. 


See you around,

Sphinxly 🐣

Casual Contributor

Re: lost

Thank you

Re: lost

Hello @Jenaye and welcome to the forums xox


I am so sorry for all that you are feeling. I hear you and I can relate hun, it's happened to me too. 😞


I have a very long way to go in coping with triggers around it, allowing myself to have a life again and allowing my boy to have a life away from me. Not easy! Oh and of course the guilt...

it's been more than a year now but it is as raw as the day it happened. Other than offering you an ear and letting you know yhat you are not alone (you can always tag me) the best advice that I can give you is keep getting support. Here is definitely a great start, I came here one day when I was in crisis and scared about my thoughts. I never left so to speak and I am grateful every day for the friendships that I have formed here.

In addition to here I also see a therapist once a month to pour out to and she offers her intuition and support. This has been a game changer for me. I have also been utilising the local councils support services online which I learned about from the receptionist at my sons dr's office as she obviously realised one day that I was at breaking point. 

So again, I am so happy you found us, take care of you xox

Casual Contributor

Re: lost

@Anastasia Thank you for your reply. Much of what you said is whats going through my head. I know I need counselling and start next month. YES triggers are a problem and it doesnt take much to send me back to the day in question.. cheers

Re: lost

Oh honestly my heart breaks for you @Jenaye 

our beautiful boys, why?

Whilst you wait for your appointment next month the Sane phone line is amazing too, to speak with someone and get things off your chest really helps plus the forum too.


I am happy to hear he is doing well - that is a credit to you. Keep focus on that hun when you feel like giving up. Heart


Who would have thought being a Mum is so bloo&y difficult and heart breaking. My go to is trying to focus on the good times 🙂


I will tag a few other beautiful Mums here for you to meet @Appleblossom @greenpea @Krishna @Owlunar @Faith-and-Hope @Shaz51 xox

Re: lost

Hello @Jenaye 

I am sorry to hear of your son's attempt, but glad for you both that he is still here, getting treatment and doing better.

Struggling to hold it together, as mums, while dealing with trauma is one helluva tight rope walk. I have been on some roller coaster rides with my boy in last few years.  Places I never dreamed of. I hope the forum and chat is some help to you, til your counselling sessions.  Feeling stretched to breaking point can seem like normal when dealing with these things long term.  When I first joined the forum, my main words were gently bently.  We become very fragile, but there is also strength in that very fragility.  Take your own self care seriously. We are often better at caring for others than ourselves.  Even something as silly as joining positive and creative fb groups helped me.  LIsten to, and care for, your own inner child.
