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Peer Support Worker

Support for Moonwillow

Hey there @Moonwillow - I am creating this thread to be a space for you to share your story, and hopefully start connecting with some of the other wonderful people here on the forums. 


A quick tip we tell all our newbies, is that if you want other members to get a notification that you've replied, use the @ symbol and choose their name from the dropdown (or type till it appears) so that it shows up in blue. I will tag a couple of our lovely Peer Guide volunteers too, to help get the conversation started - @Former-Member @Blackbird11 @Xibon @Miss-wish 


I hope you find it to be a warm and welcoming space, please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you need 😊💜


Re: Support for Moonwillow

Welcome to the forums @Moonwillow 

I like your name... how did you choose it, does it have a meaning?


Thanks for the tag @Jynx 

Not applicable

Re: Support for Moonwillow

Hey there @Jynx  🙂🌺

Thanks for the tag ☺️


Hello there @Moonwillow  💜🙂

Im PinkFlamingo, a Peer Guide volunteer on the SANE Forums. 
Here, you can find lots of side-by-side support, from people with lived experience 🙂🌺

Would you like to tell a little about what’s happening for you, if you feel comfortable? 🙂💜

I can sit with you if that’ll help 🙂🌺

Re: Support for Moonwillow

Hi @Moonwillow ,


Welcome to the forums! We hope that you will be able to connect with us here and share some of what's going on for you.


We are here for you.

Re: Support for Moonwillow

Hey there @Moonwillow


I'm MermaidHair, another one of the peer guides here. I look forward to meeting you 



Re: Support for Moonwillow

Hi @Moonwillow,

Welcome to the SANE forums, I'm a peer guide and I am happy to talk about anything you like, if and when you choose to 😊

Re: Support for Moonwillow

Hi and Thankyou I’m still figuring out how this forum works, I appreciate everyone who left a message, thanks so much! @Jynx

Re: Support for Moonwillow

How are you today? @Moonwillow 

Re: Support for Moonwillow

I love nature, the moon and all trees but I do think a Willow tree looks magical.

Re: Support for Moonwillow

(context I have diagnosed PTSD (cptsd) and this person triggered it.
I had a client service officer turn up to my house with no prior warning no call, email or sms and it wasn't anything urgent it was about vinyl I requested to be replaced, I  live in housing nsw. She banged aggressively twice on the door it startled me i was hesitant to open the door as I wasn't expecting anyone I peeped out a curtain and saw her talking photos of the house, my personal belongings and my car she went up the driveway so I went outside and said can I help you? Aren't you supposed to give me notice, why didn't you call or email first' she said it was easier for her just to pop in, I told her I'd prefer she called or emailed first as I have ptsd I showed her my hands that were tremendously shaking, she then just laughed at me and said don't worry about it then in a huf and stormed up the driveway shaking her head at me like a was a piece of garbage and how dare I.
So not only did this lady come around with no warning,not organised a time to come around, causing ptsd triggered, she laughed at me like I was a joke, left me standing there with full blown ptsd, panick attack that followed, without saying I'm sorry, I understand, didnt offer any help, just stormed off. I felt humiliated, embarrassed, distressed, anxious and like my safe little world had been violated. I was in my own space not bothering anyone, what an awful thing to do and laugh at ppl with disabilities how disgusting!
 I have informed this person before I have ptsd. This is the third time this person has come around without notice. I didn’t answer the door a note as left and I always rang back to discuss and made clear call, sms or email. You are meant to be given at least 2 days notice of someone coming around.
I've put in a formal complaint and requested that she is no longer my client service officer and I expressed that I wasn't treated with respect and was humiliated and felt my privacy was violated and laughing at people with disabilities is unkind and perhaps she would be suitable for a different job. 
I have had extreme anxiety since then I’m jumping at sounds outside thinking this twit is in my yard. I’m having a quiet few days at home, If it doesn’t settle soon I’ll see my doctor.
What are your thoughts on someone treating a person with disabilities this way? I hope I handled it ok?  @Jynx @Blackbird11 @Miss-wish @MermaidHair @Former-Member and anyone else who sent message thanks I’m still figuring how to work this
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