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Re: rough time

@outlanderI am guessing you are running on empty. It is a shame you cannot get meds to sleep. even though mine don;t work all the time it is better than nothing.

@Former-MemberI hope you get some sleep soon so you can visit your freind tomorrow. We have to cherish the time we have left with friends/family as life is cruel sometimes


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Re: rough time

It sure can be @Former-Member. Thank you ❤️

Re: rough time

I know @Former-Member its kinda scary as its not letting the muscles and internal organs repair they are running full ball all the time and will start to get damage if i dont start sleeping.

Re: rough time

No idea @Former-Member i havent got one clue.

No sleep tablets work. If it keeps up i worry the fp will send me to hospital even for a night with sedation so i sleep
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Re: rough time

That's true @outlander - it can start to adversely effect the mind and body. Can you see anyone as a matter of emergency to see if you can get some new med for sleep to try? It would be better than nothing and might give you at least a few hours. What are your thoughts on that?

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Re: rough time

@outlanderI know it is not what you want, but maybe that is what you need to sleep. As you said, it will start to do damage soon.

Did you do anything today at all?


Re: rough time

@Former-Member i can ask my gp in 2 weeks when i see her again or i can go to the ed but i dont want to go there.

I dont want to go @Former-Member im terrified if being there. No i havent really done anything today except abit of calligraphy abit of clothes folding and tidying
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Re: rough time

Sounds like a good idea to see your GP about it, can you see her sooner than two weeks in case the sleeplessness goes on. 14 more days of it could see you in hospital and I know you dont want that. ❤️

Re: rough time

I can try @Former-Member but i dont think i can. Tbh i dont know how many more nights i can go. Im at the 9th almost 10th night. If i am still up at 12pm itll be 10 nights.
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Re: rough time

Please do try my friend @outlander stating to her that it is an emergency and they put you in quicker.. Let us know how you get on because up you can't go on like this and we will worry. 💕xx