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Re: rough time

ok @outlander did you want to talk about anything at all?

Re: rough time

No.. not right now @Former-Member but thank you ❤ and thank you as well @Zoe7 @greenpea @NatalieS @Former-Member i really appreciate it ❤❤
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Re: rough time

I am posting on the other thread too, just some funny things, come join us or we can sit here hun Heart

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Re: rough time

Your welcome @outlander. Here for you if you every need me ❤️

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Re: rough time

@outlanderstill here with you hun Heart

Re: rough time

Thank you @Former-Member ❤

@Nell not sure i have a storm going on which is a trigger. I think im destined to not sleep again 😞 this will be the 10th night. Almost 2 weeks
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Re: rough time

@outlandersomething needs to be done about you sleep and quickly, I am concerned hun, you cannot keep going like this. 

Hi @Former-Member how are you tonight?


Re: rough time

I dont know what else to do @Former-Member im running on my reserves' reserves
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Re: rough time

Hello @Former-Member

 Good to hear from you again. I really feeling tired - so hoping I can get some decent sleep tonight. I need to get back my strength to visit a dear close friend tomorrow whom has lung and bone cancer and was given eighteen months to live. It's so important that I see him as he misses me and although a very strong person, he is really worried and needs me. I can't let him down so sleep is very important for me to get tonight. 

So pleased to seeing you feeling better. You are a warm person and I always appreciate you thinking of me and asking after me. Thank you 😊 xxxxx

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Re: rough time

I do hope you are able to get some rest too @outlander - as it will start to takes it toll otherwise. 10 nights without sleep is just to much to go without and that is of real concern

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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