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Re: Everything music

@StuF  brilliant is pouring here!

Re: Everything music

Re: Everything music

@PeppyPatti  love ska music!

Re: Everything music

Re: Everything music

Re: Everything music

Re: Everything music

@TAB  was talking to kids about rick mayell tonight

Re: Everything music

Good to hear about the rain @greenpea !


But why is your dr messing with your meds?

Re: Everything music

@StuF   okY  i have bad side effects from my meds i am on three different psych meds and she is trying to sto them but they are getting worse than better.  for example i have physical shakes and i am shaking right now is hard to type it is awful.  she loves messing with them i wish she would stop 😞

Re: Everything music

Oh @greenpea !


I knew you had bad side effects, but if changing is making it worse...? 😞

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