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Re: rough time

@outlanderanother triangle of doom!

Not applicable

Re: rough time

Can't wait to see it @outlander dinner now, so will be back tomorrow probably. sounds like you have a plan for how to work around/with the gp and working things through one step at a  time. 

You rest well, hon, I'll check back in with you tomorrow hopefully.

Lovely flower basket image @Former-Member, hope your day has been a bit brighter for you too.

Lisa Anne Flickr When Kindness Touches.jpg

Re: rough time

@outlanderfinally up!! That looks really great hun, love the colour of the heart Heart

Re: rough time

thanks @Former-Member i hope tonights ok for you Heart and yep one step at a time. 


@Snowiei originally wanted a purple background like a lavender type colour and a lighter coloured pink but i couldnt get the purple to work properly. didnt have the right shades of colours to make it right so left it and made it a rose pink (or so the paint tube says anyway)  heart with black background. glad you like it Heart

Re: rough time

Just about to head off and try really hard to focus on the paperwork I mentioned over --> @outlander but before I take a little springbear that was a nice reminder to me of the bear that's there when she isn't swamped like this Smiley Wink off to do that, I wanted to say that I caught your canvas and I too really like the rose pink of your heart. It's really great to see you painting again. I think that's worth a woohoo you Heart


Re: rough time

good luck with the paperwork @CheerBear and your not your mh or your struggles CB. they arent 'you' try to remember that when things are crappy Heart 

thank you, hoping to do bits and pieces of drawing and paintings when i feel up to it. smaller things work well atm not to much concentration and dont need 2 hands to do these sorts of artworks 

Re: rough time

@outlander - hey lil Sis. I'm back for just a little while. I'm pretty tired.

Your painting is a great start. Perhaps you don't think it's quite right, and that's acceptable but I still think it's a great start.

Re: rough time

hi sis 

yeh it not bad for a play around painting @Sans911 i am determined to get that bloody purple right. trying to get the colour right (and didnt use it) took longer than the painting lol. 

im not surprised your tired. its been a big day for you. how are you feeling though besides tired? u going ok?

Re: rough time

Are you a perfectionist like me @outlander?

I think I'm feeling a tiny bit better. Yesterday with my pyschologist was a pretty pivotal moment. I don't get upset in front of people often. I still find him a little too clinical though. I really miss my suicide prevention counsellor from earlier this year. She really understood me so well. And she was warm and comforting, not in the huggy, touchy way but it was in her face and eyes and body language that she really cared for you and about you.

How are you doing tonight? Any better? What's happening about your GP and how's your hand. OK, enough questions for now.

Re: rough time

hmm im not a perfectionist, i can accept things when they arent the way i want them but it does bug me and  i like things done a certain way and when my purples turn out grey that is not my way lol @Sans911 ive had to bite my tounge alot latley beacuse alot of things in my house arent they way i want it because of one hand issues. 


im glad your feeling a little better. i hope your psych sees your struggles now and does become more concerned and not to brush offie- dont even know if thats a word... i remember your SP counsellor, she did sound rather lovely and no not in the touchy way but rather a genuine empathetic person. its rare to find those. 

im ok, been ignoring my feelings today- cant be bothered dealing with it but am safe. mostly tired, was a really rough yukky night. whats happening with my gp...? 

my hands still attached, its not as painful unless i am out and about but at home resting helps it. i see the hand specialist tomorrow so will know more about it then too. showed gp the recent xrays and she said she wants it still in the splint for another 3 weeks (provided its healed up by then) before moving onto the next splint/taping etc