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Re: rough time

Morning @Snowie. I pretty much sleep about 7 hours with the meds I take but it doesn't help my tiredness. It's quite cold here at 7 degrees here atm, so getting up for my walk is challenging. I've put it off by 15mins.

How was your night? What's happening for you today? I just have my GP appointment and that's it.

Re: rough time

@Sans911glad you got some sleep, however the tiredness does not help. So much harder to walk when the weather gets colder. Snuggling up in a warm bed always seems better Smiley Happy

My night was good, my meds worked and slept for about 8 hours so feeling a bit better. If I can get motivated I thought I might try and get to spotlight or lincraft today to start my next crafty project.

I hope appointment with GP goes ok today.Heart

Re: rough time

Good to hear you feeling a bit better. You can never underestimate how important sleep is.

Starting a craft project sounds encouraging @Snowie

Re: rough time

Hey sweetie, just cheking in to see how you are going @outlander Heart

Not applicable

Re: rough time

Quick stop by to say Hi @outlander  thinking good thoughts for you, hon. Lovely painting too, didn't see it till just now. Your symmetry is better than mine, I can tell you! Distinctive colouring, even if it wasn't what you first wanted to do. My hand injuries mean no painting for me sadly, I do other stuff, but there's always the longing for what might have been, I think. 

@Snowie - craft projects are always wonderful imo!

Waves 'Hi' to @Former-Member @Sans911 do either of you do crafty things? I find craft very helpful in making me feel better about myself, but I admit, I have been doing a variety of craft for a long time. 


Re gp and pdoc and trying to force a productive session - have you tried writing point form notes for yourself and what you want to cover overall and per session and giving it to your gp/ pdoc at the beginning of the session?  Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't for me. Smiley Frustrated

Sometimes I think they don't really know what to do with the depth of our feelings and have no understanding of what it feels like to feel so bereft in the face of a world that just pushes it's way past us. 

download (4).jpg Rest well everyone, if you can. 

Re: rough time

@outlanderlogging off now, am hoping all is ok but I suspect not. Please take care of you sweetie Heart

Re: rough time

Lil Sis @outlander. Looking and thinking about you🦉😙💕💕💕💕

Re: rough time


just checking in with you sweetheart, are you okay? xxxxxxx

i thought this pic was so cute so wanted to share it with you Heart


Re: rough time

No not really. Ive really just had enough. Im very tired still not sleep yet again. Thank you everyonr for checking in and your msgs. Im finding it hard for words or even to function atm but i do appreacite them and you all ♥

Re: rough time


im sending you HUGE hugs and kisses sweetheart.

lack of sleep would definitely be affecting you.

i sit with you 🙂
