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Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space


Thanks so much for your reply, @outlander , Yes, I will gear myself up to talk to Qlife, I just wasn't sure if I was eligible to call them, being Questioning. Thanks. 




@outlander wrote:
i once spoke to someone and they said because of my past traumas with men in particular i may just be drawn to women more because it feels more 'safe' does that make sense?

Yes, this makes sense, and I have heard this before also. Heart

Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

Thank you for your lovely reply, @Former-Member , I really appreciate it. 



@Former-Member wrote:

Hi @NatureLover  πŸ’œπŸŒˆ


I don't think it's ever too late. I have/had the same attitude as you but I meet many transmen who transitioned late in life, well into the second half. It's an ongoing journey for me, I haven't come out to anyone apart from my psych. For me it's questioning gender & sexuality. I think we've all been socially conditioned in so many areas of our lives, I never knew there was a different possibility in life.


You could contact or search Facebook? I found a great group there for the older generation, but it's 'not' for lesbians (I don't want to exclude you, it's just a closed group for transmen). There are also in person groups depending on where you live. 

Stay in touch xoxo

Thanks so much for your encouragement. I had never thought of Facebook groups. I wasn't sure if I could call Qlife, as I'm confused...but both you and @outlander have recommended them, so I will give them a call. 


Good luck with your journey πŸ™‚

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Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

Good morning all,


Hopefully I got this right and this is the new thread..I think when i looked at notifications I failed to see there were 2 different ones (w the one from last Tue also) : )


Stressful morning for myself dealing with a former friend who's been using his "feelings" to excuse some pretty appalling behaviour grr but trying to wind down the anxiety for the rest of the day

Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

Hey @Former-Member.
'Trying to ignore' works well for me until it stops working. Right now it's fine, but I think as summer starts up it'll be more of a challenge.
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Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

I know that feeling @TheVorticon 

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Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

Some reading for everyone about common terms in the LGBTIQA+ Community. There are links to resources & organisations at the end.

Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

Hi everyone  @Former-Member @outlander @TheVorticon @Former-Member @NatureLover @Schitzo @Fluttershy1 @Adge @Rebel @Maggie @The-red-centaur   hope today is off to a pleasant start for you all.  For anyone who wasn't at Topic Tuesday // LGBTQIA+ & Mental Health // Tues 29th September, 7-8:30PM AEST  this week you can check it out on that link if you want to.

I've had another crazy hectic week and didn't get here until last night.  I'm wrapt to see this discussion continuing and all the lovely support happening.

FYI  I identify as queer these days.  A pansexual woman.   When I was younger I went through a few of the options - bisexual, polyamorous ...., but as I'm 57 now, it was a different era then.  We didn't even know what our options were or have the language to express our feelings and identities authentically like so many younger people are doing these days.  Let alone the availability of hormone replacement therapies or surgical options.

I'm also the parent of a transgender non-binary person who is 32 now and also legally blind, who spent their whole childhood with dysphoria about their body and gender assignment, but also had not the language to express it.  Much guilt here about not knowing as they grew up.  They came out in their early 20s and since then have had years of T, with a break for having a child twice, and last year had a double mastectomy.  Yes they were one of the people able to conceive despite having been on T for some time.  Their husband identifies as cis-het male.

So that also means I'm also the grandparent of two divine children, one is 6 and the other is 2.  With both these children there has been no gender assignment at birth, and the older one clearly chose the words she prefers when she was about 3.  She says "Daddy uses he words, ZaZa (my adult child) uses they words, and I use she words"!!    It's not confusing to the kids because it's the norm they've been raised with.  That people can choose who/what they want to be and can also change their minds if they want to.  As my adult child says, it's no-one's business what parts you have in your pants, or what you want to do with them - except disclosure by consent by the person themselves.

Yes there were years of hard times, especially with having to 'pass' when out in the world, assumptions made by people who were complete strangers who had no need to even know what was going on e.g. shop attendants, doctors' staff, people on public transport ....  It was amazing to me to see my adult child stepping out into the world happily wearing tight t-shirts after their surgery - I was moved to tears several times and really happy for them to feel comfortable after so many years.


So all the above is my way of saying I'm happy to chat/support/listen whatever to any of you in your wonderful diversity.  I get it.  I'll be around a bit this long weekend if you feel like reaching out.  Use the @ symbol to tag me - you'll get a drop-down box where you should see my name.  If it's not there, then @ and type it slowly and it will appear (3 letter names need the slow typing for some reason).


I really look forward to connecting with anyone who wants to share here.  This is a safe space and I am an ally.

Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

Thanks @eth 

Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

@eth  Thank you🌺

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Re: LBGTIQ+ Social Space

Hi all,


Appreciate this is probably a really weird question to ask here but seeing as how I have no idea and google isn't helping...


I'm trying to find a blazer for wearing to interviews when things open up and also just w jeans cos I like that look..but I have zero idea where to find a "queer/-looking" one??


Have worn women's suit jackets/blazers in the past and at least internationally I just feel like I look ridiculous or at least not like myself on the inside.


(As I've mentioned before somewhere on here I have a super minimal wardrobe of just multiples of the same basic things (just jeans and tanks basically) so I'm not an experimenter..I know there's "boyfriend blazers" out there but I feel like they're more still feminine and fashiony?


I literally just want a black one (some nice lining would be cool tho ha) that looks more like...ehm handsome I guess but relaxed and not like I'm fancy dressing as a Power Woman.